April 20th, 2013 – April 21st, 2013
Conference / mumok / Vienna –

Conference and Lecture Series / mumok Vienna

Seasons Greetings. An Annotated postcard, Courtesy Rayyane Tabet
April 20 and 21 2013

mumok kino
Museumsplatz 1

In the 1960s, the landscapes and cities of protectorates and former colonies from india to the Maghreb, from the Soviet Republics to the new states in the Southern hemisphere were replete with the spirit and forms of modernity; forms that transmogrify and then dissolve into the thin air of the vernacular. The star-maps that are used to survey these artificial worlds often serve to navigate the boundaries between private and public domains.

April 12th, 2013 – May 18th, 2013
– Sweet Sixties: Tales and Morals
- exhibition / Galerija Nova, Zagreb –

Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige Restaged (Lebanese Rocket Society)  2012 ; © Ivan Kuharic
The exhibition Sweet Sixties: Tales and Morals is a part of a long term project which explores the heritage of parallel modernisms of the 1960s in relation to their current geopolitical, economic and cultural implications and potentials, with emphasis on post-socialist, Middle Eastern and African context.

January 28th, 2013 – January 31st, 2013
– Parallel Modernities
conference / sweet sixties / Ashkal Alwan, Beirut / –

Location: Home Workspace - Ashkal Alwan, Beirut
Dates: January 28th — 30th, 2013

During the 1960s, the landscapes and cities of protectorates and former colonies from India to the Maghreb, from the Soviet Republics to the new states in the Southern hemisphere are replete with the spirit and forms of Modernity. Forms that transmogrify, and then dissolve into the thin air of the vernacular. The star-maps that are used to survey these artificial worlds often serve to navigate the boundaries between private and public domains.

November 8th, 2012 – February 25th, 2013
Exhibition / Az W / Vienna –

Residential building on Minskaya Street, 1980s, Bobruisk, Belarus © Belorussian State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation
The Architekturzentrum Wien writes architectural (hi)stories: ‘Soviet Modernism 1955 – 1991. Unknown Stories’ explores, for the first time comprehensively, the architecture of the non-Russian Soviet republics completed between the late 1950s and the end of the USSR in 1991. The research and exhibition project shifts the Russian-dominated perspective and focuses attention on the architecture of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan The Ukraine and Uzbekistan.